Some progress

Some.  First off, I put the second cup into my thesis stays, and I gathered in the top.  (I also did a row of gathering stitches across the middle, which I probably will bring in a bit.)  I can't tell if I didn't make it wide enough, as the fabric's really not gathered that much, or if more buxom women would have used similarly-sized cups to smaller women and just gathered them less.  I should be able to finish all that up quickly, which means I'm basically done with the stays.  I plan to do some quilting, but that can be whenever.  So I'm going to have to make some appointments with museums to see some extant gowns. D: Scary!  Fun, cool, interesting, educational, but scary.

On the more exciting side of things, Mom and I did our first experiment in draping this afternoon.  She was really not into it and wanted to scale up the pieces on newspaper, but I was adamant - last time I tried to make a jacket, it ended up way too small, and it's hard trying to scale up and adjust at the same time.  The jacket I want to make (jacket B on the page in Patterns of Fashion with three jackets) is fairly simple in the body, so I thought it wouldn't be too hard to mock up.  There were a few tricky bits, but I think we achieved a good pattern.  I might alter the front - I think she pointed it a little too much - but it has the right slope to the seams and the waist is in the right place.  I'm going to need to figure out the jacket's skirt, still, but that should be relatively simple.  I'm beyond happy, though, that we might be able to start draping as a matter of course and skipping the scaling-up stage.  My high waist is too annoying to deal with.


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