Galerie des Modes, 39e Cahier, 1ere Figure

Boston MFA 44.1532
Galant hat with a kerchief à la Mirza
Hat of a new taste called à la St. Leger in the comté of Chiny
New hat called à la Longwi, near Luxembourg
Hat à la Granville in the Duchy of Bar

Hat à l'Augustine
Hat à l'Epernaise, a province of Champagne
Hat à la Berthelot,* otherwise called à la Comtoise
Hat à la Jeannot of the Varietés Amusants**

* Possibly for Jeanne Agnès Berthelot de Pléneuf, marquise of Prie
** Jeannot was a play which premiered in 1780, by Beaunoir (Alexandre-Louis-Bertrand Ronineau)

Hat à la Napolitaine
The same Hat seen from the front
Hat à l'Alexandrine
Hat à l'Amazone

Straw hat called à la Bergère*
Hat à l'Irlandaise
Hat à la Colinette galante
Hat à l'Anglomane** (1783)

* Shepherdess
** One who has "Anglomania"


  1. Ah, a cheat sheet. Or could it be Bingo-Spot-le-Chapeau? A wagering game played by les petits Maitres in the park, the first player to spot a fashionable sporting a hat a la mode places a counter on the picture. The winner? The first to fill his row. Eh, a pleasant view and money, all in the same afternoon: perfection.

    Very best,



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