Galerie des Modes, 16e Cahier, 1ere Figure
Young Lady coiffed in a baigneuse with a satin pelisse lined with fur; the petticoat is trimmed with a sprigged linen flounce gathered in pipes. (1778)
Half-parure, or winter négligé. This Outfit is very sought-after by Ladies, in the morning when they are obliged to go out, whether to go shopping or for some other reason. It consists of a pelisse, thrown without pretension over an elegant bedgown.
The Figure shows a young Lady, dressed in a bedgown with long linen sleeves, lined with a very yellow fabric, with a matching petticoat and volant; over the whole, a vast pink pelisse with a white cordon, positioned negligently and not fastened. Her collar is decorated with a kerchief knotted in cravat style; medium cap with lappets pulled up in the back and trimmed with a boiteux ribbon, which is to say, one of two non-matching colors; brush in the coque; little muff in her hand, matching the cordon of the pelisse. English shoes, easily maintained, and overall an air without pretention, to better impress it on the vulgar.
Oooh, love the fur trim!