Magasin des Modes, 5e Cahier, Plate III

December 30, 1786
In the twelfth Book of the first Year, we showed four new Buckles, seen from the side, to mark the effect on the instep; we show three newer ones here, shown in full-face, to show the length and width. While we showed the four in the twelfth Book of the first Year, hardly anyone wore oval buckles, today, round, square, and oval buckles are worn.

The oval one that we have drawn is silver, with gold sequins in the middle, and with little lozenges connected around the edges.

The round one is in love-locks, silver, with gold sequins in the middle.

The square one is silver, with pearls on the edges, with large steel lozenges, cut in facets in the middle, and with six large rosettes in gold.

These buckles were drawn from the Shop of M. GRANCHER, at the Little Dunkirk, which has a full assortment of them, of all types and in the latest taste. The full selection there renews itself each day at his Shop.

In this Shop can be found Rings and Bracelets with talismans, engraved on gold, and with fine stones;
Rings and Bracelets with English cameos, and other colored stones, spotted with diamonds;
Snuffboxes, Patchboxes, false Watches, Candy boxes, Etuis made of gold, enamelled, and with frieze and arabesque designs;
Earrings à la Plaquette, trimmed in the middle with pendants in colored stones;
Cords, Watch Chains, Belts à la Sultane, Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings, in steel and in enamel, of diverse colors;
Little Works in fine pearls, in steel, and in enamel;
Pendulum Clocks, called à la Balançoir d'Amour, and other chimney-pieces;
A new assortment of Porcelains of the Queen;
And an infinite number of novelties in Buckles, Buttons, Kerchief Pins, Bracelets, etc. etc. returned in this Shop since one month ago, and which cannot be described.


Some  have done us the honor of writing to us a little while ago, to know if there is a different fashion in gowns, in caps, for women of fifty or sixty years; we respond to them here, with what we said to others in the seventeenth or eighteenth Books of the first Year, that Fashion is one, that it is the same for all ages, and that it is followed by women of fifty and sixty years as by those of eighteen and twenty.


We regretted that the extent of our last Book did not permit us to report, on the occasion of the caps à la Bayard, an anecdote of this brave Knight which merits being known and which does not disfigure his History. As we have now more space, here it is:

"One evening, when he wanted to enjoy himself, his Valet-de-chambre brought him a girl of fifteen years with a rare beauty. As he went to forget himself with her, she burst into tears. The passion of Bayard was thus killed. He asked her the cause of her sadness. She responded that poverty had made her mother render her up. Bayard told her: Ah well, it will not be me who makes you commit this crime. He immediately took a torch from one of his people, put a cloak over the head of the girl, for fear that she would be recognized in the street, and drove her himself to his sister's home. The next day he sent for her mother, and spoke sharply of her action. Having learned from her that a Bourgeois would take her daughter in marriage, if she had only two hundred écus to give him, he put three hundred in her hands, saying: Here are the two hundred écus for the marriage of your daughter, and one hundred more for her dress, and for the ceremony fees."


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