Cabinet des Modes, 1er Cahier, 3e Planche

It presents two Women's Busts.  The first is coiffed à l'Ingénue.  A straw hat, whose edge is trimmed with a violet ribbon.  The crown is high, à l'Anglaise, trimmed with violet gauze.  A pearl pin on the front.  A bow or cockade on the back, whose edges, about two or three inches long, are hanging.  On the hat, on the left, is a tuft of four white plumes, surmounted by a large violet plume called the Follette.  On the neck, a cord in the form of a necklace, at the end of which hangs a medallion.
The earrings are large trembling rings.
Trimmed linen kerchief.
Blue satin fourreau.

The second woman is coiffed en Hérisson with hooks.
A cap à la Paresseuse, of Italian gauze.
A bouquet of flowers on the right side on top of a Toupet à temperament.
On the neck, a simple ribbon necklace.
Earrings en Mirza.
Linen kerchief, trimmed.
Fourreau of green satin.

The Articles described in this Book were found at the Palais Royal.


  1. Hooray, a new book!
    The earrings are fascinating. Wish we could find an extant pair. I believe I see them into the mid-1790s fashion plates.

    1. They are lovely and very present in the GdM plates as well! I wish I could find some extant ones, too.


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