Galerie des Modes, 4e Volume, 52e Cahier, 1ere Figure

The beautiful Omphale walking at the Arsenal: she is in a little vest with revers with two rows of buttons over a petticoat trimmed in the newest taste: she is coiffed with a hat en pouf à la Luxembourg. (1787)

"Ladies actually wear a turned-down collar, as on our frock coats, with their gowns en chemise, made of white gauze, of white muslin, or others, which are always fashionable.

"Many, under their redingotes or robes à la Turque, wear a corset which, being neither buttoned nor laced in front, is fastened at the left side with four polished steel buckles, where contrasting ribbons pass through which are fixed on the right side.

"Some wear a large belt, fastened in front with large buckles or plaques, like the belts of the Swiss Guards."

Les Magasin des Modes, July 15, 1786


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