Galerie des Modes, 45e Cahier, 1ere Figure

The brilliant Lise, piqued by an infidelity which her lover has made, hastens to execute a project of vengeance to make him come back to her; she is coiffed with a Caravan hat, robe à l'Anglaise trimmed à la Figaro. (1785)

 Ribbons. - "Today Ribbons are subject to such variation that it is good for Ladies to have a furnisher who procures the newest for them.  Mr. Morlière, ribbon merchant, residing in the rue Saint-Honoré, near that of the Echelle, has in his store all the most modern and the most brilliant ones.  One will find in his shop Ribbons à la Cagliostro* (pink ground and green border, with pyramids on the ground which cross from the bottom to the top): au Diademe arc-en-ciel** (pink, green, white, and violet: the violet silk in the middle is larg and cut by three white zigzags), au Laurier† with a pink ground and au Laurier arc-en-ciel (white ground, blue silk, violet clouded‡ and striped, with laurel leaves), all made in Paris."

Cabinet des Modes, 15 June 1785

* Giuseppe Balsamo, alias Alessandro Cagliostro, adventurer and mystic.  He was slightly implicated in the Affair of the Necklace, which came to a head in 1785.
** "rainbow diadem"
† "laurel", and then later, "rainbow laurel"
‡ warp-printed


  1. What a fluffy puff of fun this ensemble is! Have always been fond of pink and green... the information about the ribbons is really helpful.

    Very best,



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