Whipping through those Eyelets

(get it, do you get it)

Wow!  This afternoon I went to my mom's and watched some TV and sewed, and I totally finished all of the eyelets in my stays - the two CB rows, and the eight to hold the straps to the front.  Next step is to finish the channels so I can put the reed in and bind this sucker.

Last night, I discovered that Fort Ticonderoga is doing a re-enactor thing on my birthday weekend, "Struggle for Liberty".  I've got a blue petticoat half done (the side seams are finished) and enough of a printed natural linen to make a jacket - I actually mostly made some of it up into the one in Patterns of Fashion I that doesn't have a waist seam, but it turned out too short for even me; my plan is to use those pieces where I can, piece, and use the leftover couple of yards to do one of the jackets that has a waist seam and is therefore easier to mess with if I do it too small as well.  So that will be my birthday present to myself!  Going to my first non-RenFaire event in costume.  Very exciting.

(Their merchant fees are very, very cheap compared to the ones Mom had to pay when she did craft fairs, so ... we may run a booth in 2012!)


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