Galerie des Modes, 9e Cahier, 4e Figure
Young elegant man in a dotted suit with a white vest trimmed with bands of printed Indian cotton, and coiffed with a Swiss hat and an English queue. (1778)
Young Elegant Man, in a dotted frock coat with a coupé collar with buttonholes; the sleeves en fourreau with heart buttonholes.

Large Bordeau curl, Swiss hat, and English queue.**
Shoes à la d'Artois, cane in his hand with its cord and tassels, half gold and half hair.
* The caption would indicate that perse is another term for indienne, printed cotton, but a period dictionary describes pers as a color "between green and blue" or bluish grey. Either seems possible in context.
** Curl à la Bourdeloise; the queue is "clubbed", doubled up and wrapped with a ribbon.
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