Galerie des Modes, 10e Cahier, 2e Figure
Young Lady in a morning peignoir, occupied in reading; she is coiffed en chien couchant with a negligée cap trimmed with black lace, the two lappets pulled up in the back and a rolled ribbon on a blonde lace barrier. (1778)

The Figure represents a young Lady in a peignoir with a large collar and closed sleeves, with a trimming of gathered Indian muslin; the trim on the collar is a simple turned-up band.
The petticoat, untrimmed, has nothing remarkable in the way it is pulled up: a sweet foot, a pretty leg, rarely agree with long petticoats.
If this young Lady is curious about her feet, it seems that her ears don't have the same advantage; they are hidden under vast nageoires, which accompany a chien couchant hairstyle, followed by two curls.
She is coiffed with a negligé cap, or a medium "black throat" cap; the papillon in round rolls, with a bouillon of black blonde lace around the cap and turned up at the back; wrapped ribbon on a barrier of blonde lace over the papillon; lappets pulled up peasant-style.
This beauty, little sensible of the caresses of her parrot, is uniquely occupied in looking through her collection of clothing; worrying over which outfit she will adopt for the rest of the day.
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