Galerie des Modes, 13e Cahier, 1e Figure
This Circassienne of a new taste is of sulphur-colored gauze, the trim of soft lilac gauze; the great flounce and the band which covers the trim are of the same gauze as the gown, the base of the sabot cuffs as well; there are only bands of trim in tuyaux which are lilac, lilac ribbons, the same are in the headdress. (1778)
Circassienne fastened in front until the bottom of the waist, with extended wings; the bodice of these robes must be very fine and with gorgerette of the same material, trimmed in a ruched band, each ruche held with a row of perles en coque;* the ruched band is accompanied on each side with a little band that is pleated in tuyaux of a different color.

These gowns are not pulled up in the front; their wings are lifted only in the back, like polonaises, with tassels or bows interlaced with pearls. Very simple sabot cuffs, held in at the ends with two barriers of pearls, and trimmed with a little band matching that of the gown.
Volant of medium height, having at the head a trim matching that of the circassienne, and above the volant a band matching the other little bands, with a length of pearls in the center.

Hair in a racine droite or shortened herisson with three curls over the ear; loose chignon; Italian gauze pouf, having a row of pearls for the papillon, below a ribbon like the little trims of the gown with a bouquet on the left.
* coque-de-perle, a type of false pearl made from the shell of an Indian snail, carved to reveal the nacre and filled with a cement to bolster the walls.
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