Galerie des Modes, 12e Cahier, 4e Figure
Genteel and poetic abbé, reading with enthusiasm a piece of verse that he composed. (1778)

But this discussion is not our subject, and we are driving too far; one is only only meant to sketch the costume of a genteel and poetic abbé, reading with enthusiasm a piece of verse that he has composed.

His short cassock with very narrow sleeves is fastened on a very little cravat: his vest is open at the top, leaving visible what abbés are advised to have shirts with jabots; about the manchettes, their adoption is a little more ancient; they have succeeded the little bands of bluish linen known under the name "d'amadis", and which were placed at the ends of the sleeves.
I do not speak of the ring which the tiny little abé wears on his index finger; it is true that a fancy has been taken by some little Abbés to wear a ring on their finger to distinguish the pastoral ring and indicate that they have neither a bishopric nor an abbey, but this fashion having had little credit, it is useless to consider it too long.
The coiffure of this young poet is a demi-Greek with two circular curls, the favori folding in front of the ear; he has a glossy and arched skullcap on the back of the head, called calotte au reverbere;* it is of a very beautiful black scale, or at least coconut; sheepskin caps, or even moroccan ones, are almost out of place except among the very low clergy or in the provinces.
* "reflective skullcap"
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