Galerie des Modes, 13e Cahier, 3e Figure
Young Lady coiffed à la Dauphine, dressed in a taffeta Robe à la Reine, trimmed au Nouveau Désiré. This Dress was invented by Signore SARRAZIN, costumer to their Royal Highnesses the Princes. (1778)

The trim, called au nouveau désiré* because it was devised during the pregnancy of a majestic Princess, consists of two bands of spotted ermine, crossing in a mosaic form. One can, in the summer, replace the ermine with bands of gauze, also spotted, or streaked taffeta.
The first sleeves are open in the back like dalmatics; they hang over the second sleeves, cut en canon and trimmed with a sable band for winter, or ruched gauze for summer.
The petticoat, without a volant or flounce, must be made to the ordinary height of a volant with a color matching the second sleeves; the rest must match the gown. The point where the two parts unite serves to hold a band matching that of the second sleeves; a trim matching that of the gown around the bottom of the petticoat.
The shape in the back is indicated by gold braid, with a tassel at the center. The manchettes are round, topped with a row of pearls and accompanied with a puffed undersleeve.
Hair à la Dauphine: two curls on the side, two curls en crochet,* holding a dolphin's tail; this hairstyle is surmounted with a pinched ribbon placed en barriere, holding a diamond rose and crossed by a row of pearls. The chignon is in a knight's cross, from which escapes a curl à la Sultaine which descends to the throat, where it ends.
* "to the new desire"
** from the architectural sense, in which a crochet was a motif of a scroll, curled at one end
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