Galerie des Modes, 11e Cahier, 5e Figure
Young middle class woman dressed in a Polonaise with an embroidered Indian muslin apron. She is wearing a half-négligée cap called "the Queen's Lever". (1778)
Coupé polonaise: this gowns are made like ordinary polonaises; they are only different in the petticoat, which must be without a volant or trim, but a vast apron serves as a veil and entirely covers the front. A large flounce or demi-volant ornaments the apron, the head of which is hidden under the wings of the polonaise.

A conti, a type of very short little mantelet, envelops the shoulders without reaching to the chest; the goffered filet lace bouffante is placed as a stole; a ribbon in a simple knot in place of the contentement; the necklace is two rows of pearls, the second row as the "slave".
Half-négligée cap, called "the Queen's Lever",with a black brush on the left; papillon in gouleau, trimmed with a gathered band on two sides, and a roll above. The whole is finished by a fichu placed as a pouf, with the two ends serving as lappets.
Hair in chien couchant, with the phisionomie to taste and two very large curls hanging on the first row of the necklace: the favori allowing the sight of the ears.
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