Galerie des Modes, 51e Figure, 3e Figure

Young Lady dressed in a caraco à la Berrot with a trained petticoat, holding in her hand a little switch.
1. Cap trimmed with a ribbon pleated down the length. 2. Hat à la Harpie.* 3. Hat trimmed with plumes and ribbons. (1786)

"It is true that Zulmé was dressed in a caraco and a petticoat of striped muslin, very white, very fresh, elegantly flounced; the petticoat and the pink corset beneath, which was shaded by and made a base, so to speak, for the white, spread overall an air of sweet freshness and an agreeable variety: but to be dressed thus is the least difficult thing.  I ask you for the maintenance, you can as easily as she put on your head a straw hat, in the natural color, wrapped with a garland or artificial roses, surmounted by four plumes (three white and one pink) and to which hangs, attached behind, a large veil of white gauze falling to the waist ... but still one time of the maintenance:** there is all the magic of Zulmé."

Le Cabinet des Modes, June 15, 1786

* According to Caroline Weber, the à la Harpie style referred to the bold zig-zags and triangles.
** This is clearly wrong, but I'm not sure how to make it correct.


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