Galerie des Modes, 51e Cahier, 2e Figure

Young person dressed in a light gown and coiffed with a hat with zig-zags surmounted by two plumes.
1. Ribbon streamer trimmed with aigrettes and rooster plumes. 2. Galant hat.  3. New baigneuse seen from the back. (1786)

Accessories made for the Countess Gabriel by Rose Bertin:

"1784, January 28. - A coiffed hat edged with bouillons of Italian gauze, a garland en Reine Marguerite of all colors on top, a lot of gauze pulled up behind, a panache of 3 beautiful white plumes, of one white heron and a fine aigrette. ... 96 livres.

"A belt of Reine Marguerite garland mounted on two and a half ells of wide white satin ribbon. ... 27 livres.

"A necklace and two bracelets of the same garland. ... 30 livres."

Dossiers Bertin, Doucet Library


  1. I am curious do you have access to the Rose Bertin records at the Dossiers library? Do you happen to have any of them as I see you are posting on them. Is there any chance you would be able to provide me with these records if you have them? I am writing a book on Rose Bertin and my translator and I have not yet taken a trip to Paris to have Rose Bertin's records translated. But if you have any of the records available that would really help. I love your blog! It's my favorite.

    1. Sorry - the excerpts of her records I've posted are from a 1912 reprint of the Galerie des Modes. When the reprinters got to the third and fourth volumes of the magazine, they stopped using the text that went along with the original plates and started adding excerpts from other sources like Mercier's Tableau de Paris, the Bertin dossiers, Magasin des Modes, etc. It's very unfortunate. Wish I could help more!


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