Cabinet des Modes, 2e Cahier, 2e Planche
It represents a Man in full Dress.
His coiffure: square Greek, with three curls.
Full collar of muslin, à l'Anglaise.
Sleeve ruffles of point [lace].
Coat of light Monsieur's prune satin, with pink and green silk embroidery.
Vest of white satin, with embroidery matching that of the coat.
Breeches of satin matching that of the coat; garters embroidered the same.
Under the arm hat, with small white plume.
Sword with a steel hilt, trimmed with a bow of sea-green ribbon.
Stockings of white silk.
Squared shoe buckles.
Shoes with red heels.
Recappée hat, à l'Androsmane.

Round hat, à l'Anglaise.
Its crown, very square, is 4 inches high. The brim is 3.25 inches wide, and is turned up in front and behind. It is trimmed with a little black satin ribbon, with a little rosette on the side.
They are found very good and very attractive, together with those à l'Androsmane, at the shop of M. Donnet, Hat Merchant, rue Saint Honoré, near that of L'Echelle.
The same Merchant sells also all types of silk stockings, and of a notably superior quality, really no. 44, the most beautiful for dressing.

The most fashionable coat buttons
Of mother-of-pearl, nearly the size of a six-franc écu, corded all around, a monogram engraved in the center.
Yellow, flat, a ligne and a half* smaller than the previous; engraved in the middle, with a cord around it.
Of colored crystal, with a pearl in the silver gilt center; said button mounted on silver gilt. Same width as previous.
Of colored crystals, with a brilliant in the center, mounted on silver gilt.
Idem, trimmed with brilliants all around; base colored.
Flat, in silver or silvered metal, with a cord around it.
Shoe Buckles, of the latest taste.
Of an oval shape, and cut in diamond points.
Gilets of the latest taste.
They are made of a fabric with a satin ground, striped with velvet or plush; the stripe is the width of the little finger. They are found in all colors.
The most Fashionable are:
Bronze and canary's tail.
Dark green and canary's tail.
Violet and canary's tail.
Dark blue and green.
Colors of Wools for frock coats.
Bottle green.
Bronze, or the color of Henri IV's horse's hoof.
Of four colors, bronze, aurora,** violet, and dark green.
* 3/24 of an inch. very precise
** A golden yellow
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