Galerie des Modes, 31e Cahier, 3e Figure
English Redingote with three Collars and Bavaroises. (1780)

Gilet with bavaroises, crossing on both sides; breeches of cloth of black silk. Hat à la Charbonniere, trimmed with its bourdaloue buckled in front.* The hat of a fashionable color: these colors have been grey, puce, tiger-orange, etc.
Hair rolled au compas;** the queue in a cadogan: kerchief knotted en cravate; chamois gloves; shoe buckles à la d'Artois; shoes à la Mariniere.
* A charbonniere is a charcoal-maker; a bourdaloue is, besides a woman's chamberpot, a buckled cord/band around a hat.
** I believe this means in one roll all around the back of the head.
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