Gallery of Fashion

The last dozen or so posts have been fairly well organized, but I don't think this one will be.

January 1798, fig. 166, morning dress.  I'm interested in the back construction there - the shape of the pieces, and the roundness of the waist.

March 1798, fig. 172, afternoon dress.  "Robe à la chemise of fine muslin, with a rich chain-pattern embroidered border, trimmed with white satin; short sleeves, drawn and trimmed in the middle with broad lace; Queen Elizabeth's trimming of rich broad lace round the neck."

April 1798, fig. 176, afternoon dress.  "Head-dress à l'antique. ... Round dress of white muslin, the body in small plaits, with a herringbone back; drawn full sleeves; the whole trimmed with Roman-pattern gold lace."

June 1798, figs. 181-183, afternoon dresses.
181: "... melon-ribbed hat of lilac and green silk, with a very large crown, trimmed round with a wreath and a bouquet in the front ... Petticoat of white muslin; robe of the same, short full sleeves, trimmed with lace, and tied in the middle with an embroidered lilac riband; the whole bordered with an embroidery of flowers, and tied in the front with lilac riband."
182: "Round gown of cambric, flounced with yellow crape in small Vandyke scallops, and headed with lace; short open sleeves, looped in three different parts with gold buttons: jacket skirts of lace, and trimming of lace round the neck and sleeves."
183: "Caul of muslin, trimmed with a frill passing under the chin; a large artificial rose in the front.  Round gown of muslin, embroidered in purple and in dice pattern, short close sleeves; Spencer, with epaulettes and laps in side-plaitings trimmed with lace."

July 1798, figs. 185 and 186.
185, afternoon dress: "Petticoat and robe of white muslin, trimmed round the neck with lace; short close sleeves, the upper part cut out, and looped upon the shoulder, and in the middle of the arm, with gold buttons; the different breadths of the robe looped also together with gold buttons."
186, morning dress: "Petticoat of striped muslin, trimmed round the neck with lace; short sleeves; the epaulettes and the bottom of the robe trimmed with blue silk riband."

August 1798, figs. 188 and 189, morning dresses.
188: "Round gown of cambric muslin; short full sleeves, tied in the middle of the arm with riband.  White muslin spencer, trimming of the same in small scollops."
189: "Round gown of cambric muslin, the train in Vandyke scollops; short close sleeves.  White muslin cloak trimmed with lace, and tied to the waist with a green riband."

Left off on p. 172, Bunka Gakuen.


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