Galerie des Modes, 62e Cahier, 1ere Figure

Young Nymph provoking pleasure. She is Dressed in a Caraco à l'Amazone and Coiffed with a Sunflower Hat etc. etc.

"Advice. A shop for women's clothes was just established at no. 28 rue Salle-au-Conte, under the direction of a very-skilled master seamstress. Gowns of diverse types will be found there, caracos, and all sorts of feminine garments of the newest taste. One distinguishes, among other objects, gowns à la Czarine, caracos Zélandois, riding habits à la Muscovite, gowns à la demi-négligente, ball caracos à la Hollandoise, and all sorts of other gowns.*

"This establishment will be very useful to women of taste, both in the capital and the provinces. It is under the direction of distinguished artists. This store is open every day from eight o'clock in the morning to eight o'clock at night. We are eager to satisfy the demands that are made promptly and punctually."

Le Magasin des Modes, 10 February 1788

* Technically, Catherine the Great was Empress of Russia at this time, but she was unofficially referred to as a tsaritsa; Zeeland is a province of the Netherlands


  1. Hi there
    I'm a little confused as to where the image came from? It says galerie des modes on top but below it is magasin des modes and date given. Were there one and the same or affiliated? Thanks in advance.

    1. You know, I realized when I was going to bed last night that this was probably the point of confusion! If you follow the link in the upper right corner of the page, you'll be able to get to the listing of eighteenth century fashion texts (it's not directly linkable), and you can see that there are two editions of Galerie des Modes. The smaller gallery is the original first two volumes of the magazine; the larger one is a full color reprint from 1912 of all four volumes. I translated the original text as far as it went, but early on in the third volume it was replaced by extracts from other publications. Magasin des Modes and the Tableau de Paris are very frequent. I'm sorry if I came across as brusque or snarky, It's just little frustrating to see the crops I made go unlinked to my blog, when I've put so much time into the whole translation project.

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