Galerie des Modes, 39e Cahier (bis 2), 6e Figure

Young Lady as seductive Shepherdess, in a galant Hat posed on a Peasant Cap and crowned with a Globe Ribbon, in the moment where by the means of her Lorgnette, she follows something in the Air, launched by her Lover, whose Portrait is worn on her Arm. (1784)

Lorgnettes - "There are false appearances in fashion, hence the lorgnettes hidden in the hat, in the fan, that one uses to look at everything.  For excellent eyes hide their perfection through using a useless instrument and which most often announce affectation.  Is it not one of these which is put in the beauty's hand, this glass which intercepts the ray of the mirror of the soul, of the home of love, and who raises to it this feature so delicate, so tender, that art and caprice mar and disfigure it?

"What does the expression of this eloquent organ become, when one can only perceive it through a crystal which tires it?  While the lorgnette is in the hand of hauteur and disdain, coquetry gives to the eyes of our pretty women near-convulsive movements which disfigure the most handsome faces.

"The mania for lorgnettes did great harm to very beautiful eyes, and women, regardless of the weakness of their sight, should rather renounce seeing faraway objects, than disfigure thus their gaze to those surrounding them."

Sébastien MERCIER, Tableau de Paris, 1783.


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