Good News!

It looks like I will be taking the patterns of ten dresses* for the exhibition!  And the very good news is that the patterns will be available as PDFs on the museum's webpage.

Of course I would love to have ~my own published book~, but the expense and the timing (the exhibition opens in April) just don't make that feasible.  Still, this way you can take just the patterns you want, and maybe they'll get a wider audience.  So exciting!

* I'm going to ask about the possibility of putting a few extras on the web - there are some garments I think would seem great and strange to academics, reenactors, and costumers but probably not to the general public.  Cross your fingers!

And thank you to everyone who congratulated me on 100 posts!  I can't believe I've been posting for eight months.


  1. This is wonderful news! Wonderful, wonderful!

    Very best,


  2. Congratulations! You must be so excited! I'll be waiting to see them!


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