Godey's Lady's Book, December 1835
December 1835
Boil half a pound of the finest and freshest marrow in a pint of new milk, with a bit of lemon peel, cinnamon, and half a leaf of laurel. Pour it over the sliced crumb of a three penny loaf, or the same quantity of French bread; and, covering it up, let it stand till quite cold. Beat up well, in the mean time, six yolks with three whites of eggs, a quarter of a pound of powdered loaf sugar, two ounces of blanched and pounded almonds, and a little orange-flower water; add this mixture to the cold marrow and milk, and bake it in a dish with puff paste around it. Washed and picked currants, with syrup of cloves or nutmegs, a little brandy, and some slices of candied citron and orange peel, with any other sweetmeats, may be added, if required to be very rich. The marrow, too, instead of being boiled with the milk, may be minced very small, and strewed over the French bread; or rather on Naples biscuits. Marrow puddings made in either of these ways, will be found truly delicious.
Pour a pint of boiling water on an ounce of finely shred isinglass, and let it stand two hours. Then put it, in a saucepan, over the fire; with a gill of white wine, a quarter of a pound of loaf sugar, the juice and rind of a lemon, and the yolks of four eggs. Keep stirring the whole till it boils: then strain it through a flannel bag; and, when almost cold, pour it into moulds.
Mix eight eggs, with eight ounces each of French bread, currants or stoned raising, apples, and suet, half a glass of brandy, and a little sugar and nutmeg. Boil it for three hours, and serve it up with a sauce of melted butter, sugar, and white wine.
The best rusks are made in the following manner: -- Take a pound of fine flour, six beaten eggs, a very little salt, and some sugar. Rub into the flour half a pound of butter; then, warming some milk, mix up the whole with a little yeast. After it has stood sufficiently to rise, make it up into small flattish loaves or cakes; bake them moderately; and, when cold, cut or slice them into rusks, and dry them on tins in a cool oven till they are a light brown colour. Common rusks may be made, by omitting or diminishing the eggs, butter, &c.
Grate finely the crumb of a roll, and mince very small half the rind of a lemon; add a quarter of a pound each of fine sugar and butter, the juice of half a lemon, and the well beaten yolks of four eggs with the whites of two. Set the whole over the fire, and stir it sufficiently thick; then put it into a flat dish with puff paste at the bottom, and set it in a moderate oven, when it will be well baked in half an hour.
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