Cabinet des Modes, 8e Cahier, 1ere Planche


WOMAN in adjusted Redingote.
The Redingote is of Louviers wool, in Bishop's purple, and trimmed with white buttons.
Little manchettes of batiste or plain muslin are worn at the ends of the sleeves of the Redingote.
The Corset and Petticoat which accompany this Redingote, are of Indian taffeta in lemon. These two colors of a sweet and tender look, vary and contrast together agreeably.
The Kerchief of white linen, fastened with a nakara ribbon, varies these colors again and makes them stand out in a most glorious manner.
On the head, a Hat à l'Anglaise, trimmed with fur on the top and bottom. On the crown of the hat, a wide black velvet [ribbon], with a long worked steel buckle, which fastens it on the left side.
In the back, the hair hangs à la Conseillère; and on each side, two little curls also à la Conseillère, hanging on the shoulders.
The Shoes are, like the Redingote, Bishop's purple.
The Woman, for more poise, carries, in the right hand, a parasol cane. She can carry a simple cane, or any other thing. In the left hand, she holds a white handkerchief.
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