Cabinet des Modes, 1er Cahier, 2e Planche

It presents a young Man en chenille.*  Round hat with a high crown, hair tressed and tied en cadogan.  Frock coat of green and Paris mud wool, mixed.  Striped gilet.  Sulfur breeches, very tight, molding to the thigh, with only three buttons.  The garter tied with cords instead of buckles.  Striped stockings, white and light violet, mixed.  Shoes tied with cords.

Men wear, when they are en chenille, the hat en Jocquay.  It has a squared crown, from 4.5 inches to 5 inches deep; 3.5 or 3.75 inches in the brim, falling down in the front and back; trimmed with a ribbon and a steel buckle with diamond points, under which is sometimes put a rosette of black ribbon.

Informal stockings, when one is en chenille.
Striped stockings, white and Paris mud mixed.
Violet and dark green, mixed.
Violet and Paris mud, mixed.
Green and Paris mud, mixed.

* See Galerie des Modes, 35th book, 3rd figure: "Déshabillé that young people put on in the morning and which consists of a rateen or coutil frock coat, a black or white taffeta cravat, hair in a queue or pulled up with a comb, long breeches known under the name of pantaloons, or artistically worked brodequins."


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