Galerie des Modes, 58e Figure, 3e Figure
Imposing Woman in the Jardin du Roi, dressed in a Redingote à l'Anglomane, Straw Hat trimmed with Folettes etc. etc.
"Le Jardin du Roi", at the top of the rue Saint-Victor, across from the Pitié. This garden is divided into a top and bottom; in the upper part is a mound called a labyrinth: one enjoys a beautiful view there. At the foot of this mound Cedar of Lebanon is seen. The garden's borders were just extended to the quay by the care of M. de Buffon.
"This garden furnishes a very agreeable promenade, useful to naturalists and lovers of botany, who, independently of all the types of trees and bushes, find there also all the exotic and indigenous plants, which are cultivated in hot and glassed greenhouses ...
"In the new area is a vast, square pit whose bottom is at the level of the river, forming a basin ...
Almanack des Voyages à Paris, 1787
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