A Disturbing Tale

I was searching for information in old newspapers to document the layout and tone of Canton's Miner Street when I came across this story: From the Potsdam Commercial Advertiser , April 24, 1895 In case you can't read the scanned text, I'll excerpt the important bits. DON'T SPARE THE ROD. Parents Should Do as Tom Did, and Nip Wantonness in the Bud. Tom Helmer, of Stovepipe avenue, does not believe in sparing the rod and spoiling the child: only, he uses his hand instead of a rod. On a recent evening his thirteen-year-old daughter Mabel asked permission to go to a show at the Town Hall, saying that she would accompany her aunt. To this the father assented. Along in the evening, however, he found the child on the street accompanied by the notorious Net Cameron. He ordered his girl to go home, and it appears slapped her quite soundly when she failed to comply with his commands. This little scene took place on Miner street and was witnessed by Mrs. Charl...